

Adwaith – Addo

I discovered this Welsh band sometime earlier this year. They come from Carmarthen, which is just wild to me. When I was in grad school in Wales, Carmarthen was the closest place to get a train, and it was still about an hour away by bus. It wasn’t that far but the roads are all narrow, one lane in each direction, and very twisty and hilly. I’m not sure it’s large enough to be called a city, but it was certainly larger than our tiny little town which had more sheep than people.

Recently we got an email from a friend of ours from Germany who was at the same tiny university with us that year. She and her family have been living in London and took a short vacation out to Wales. She sent us pictures of herself and her teenage daughters on the campus. It was rainy and gray while they were there, which seemed pretty fitting.

We have often thought how fun it would be to go back to Wales and show the kids the place where we met. I think they would be kind of amazed by how remote it is and how small the town is. But part of me would also like to go looking for whatever scene Adwaith is part of. I think my time there would have been really different if there had been music like this I could have checked out.