We Were Promised Jetpacks

Peaks and Troughs

We Were Promised Jetpacks – Peaks and Troughs

Lately I’ve been on a Scottish bands kick and last week I bought myself a ticket for We Were Promised Jetpacks with The Twilight Sad opening up. I am hoping there will be a bit of banter in between songs so I can hear those incredible accents and barely understand a word of it.

I don’t know why there seem to be so many shows I’d like to see in the coming weeks, and I missed a bunch back in October that I would have gone to if other commitments hadn’t gotten in the way. In the same week that I am going to the show above, there are at least two others on my radar. There are a couple in December too. None of these are actually near me either. Why is it always like that? Feast or famine.

I had high hopes for today’s NaBloPoMo efforts but it’s nearly midnight and my WiFi keeps crapping out, leaving me with just my phone. I wanted to start out strong but I guess there will just be some times when you actually do have to phone it in.