Yard Act

The Overload

Yard Act – The Overload

I am trying to figure out what we are all doing about Thanksgiving this year. There are so many variables that it’s hard to find a plan that will make everyone happy. Complicating matters is our car situation and a couple of appointments that I made for my son bookending the holiday.

Originally my plan was to take off the whole week, but now some work stuff is probably going to make that a bad idea. Time is running out on getting things organized though, so whether I like it or not, I am going to have to make a final decision in the next day or two. My family members have all tried to be helpful by saying different versions of “don’t worry about me!” But that’s actually making it harder.

Life would be easier if there were two or three of me. One who can just do the work commute and be at the office, one who can stay home cleaning and prepping, and one who can drive around picking up everyone from their respective spots. Each is time consuming and exclusive. I can’t eliminate one and do the other two. My husband can do some cleaning but he has work too, and only one of the cars can really go any significant distance.

Anyway, tomorrow is likewise jam-packed with obligations so I’d better wrap it up and get to bed.