The Photocopies

We’re Not Photocopies

The Photocopies – We’re Not Photocopies

I think this song cropped up on my Spotify release radar or discover weekly playlist. Even if I don’t have to drive up to the office every day, I still spend a ton of time in the car, and I just don’t have the energy reserves to stay on top of new music. I tell myself it’s kind of like listening to college radio, which is a little hard in the car since their signals are weak and I’m covering a lot of ground.

Speaking of cars, we are needing to do something about our cars and I’m dreading it. They are both old and need some work, and the one my husband usually drives is borderline unsafe. I would like to replace them but what we can afford is not a whole lot better. And how can you trust used car dealers or random internet strangers to be honest about the cars they’re selling?

I was looking online tonight at used cars and came across one that is the same make and model as my current car, not quite as old, significantly lower miles, and a stick shift! That was even the reason the person gave for wanting to sell it, they aren’t good at driving stick. I got a little excited at the prospect of having a slightly newer copy of my car, in a different color, with my preferred transmission, and mentioned it to my husband. He thought maybe the person had been so bad at driving a manual that they’ve done a number on the gears. How can you know? Ugh. Dealing with cars is the worst. I wish I had a close friend who was “good with cars” and able to size them up.