
Desire Lines

Deerhunter – Desire Lines

Not sure what it is about this song that has me hitting the repeat button. It’s closing in on seven minutes long, when I usually find that to be much too long.

It’s been nice having my son home but it means I am staying up later than I want to and unlike him, I can no longer sleep all that late in the morning. So this is all you get today.

Living My Life

Deerhunter – Living My Life

It feels like I didn’t have a weekend, and I didn’t have today off either, so forgive another lame entry here. When I don’t even get home until 7:30 p.m., it’s so hard to gather the momentum needed to figure out what I want to say, or what song I feel like writing about. But I listened to this album in the car today when the traffic started getting to me and it seems like a good option just before going to sleep.