
November Spawned a Monster

Morrissey – November Spawned a Monster*

Perhaps against my better judgement, I have decided to try and do NaBloPoMo this year. I know a number of people who used to do it but it has fallen out of fashion with most of my online friends. So why am I bothering? My posting has been spotty lately, to say the least, and I am hoping it might get me back in the groove.

It seems appropriate though since what inspired me to start this blog in the first place was the 30-day Song Challenge. A friend of mine posted it on Facebook and I thought I’d play along. It was fun, even if some of the daily themes must have been thought up by someone who doesn’t really listen to music the way my friends and I do. Frequently I really wanted to post some explanation for why I picked a particular song for that day’s theme and Facebook, at the time, limited your post length so it wasn’t like you could really get into it. Having a blog where I could do that, but not be required to do it every day or follow some set guidelines, sounded like a great idea.

So 3 1/2 years ago, I took a Tumblr site I had used as a Couch25K tracker, deleted all those entries and started my music blog. A little less than a year later I bought and started a version on WordPress that contained the entries I was posting to Tumblr, but not all the stuff I reblogged. Reblogging and all the other people who are sharing stuff are the great things about Tumblr. The commenting and messaging features, not so much. I had a guest post coming up on a friend’s site and I was hoping to get a bunch of new readers who may not have had Tumblr accounts and who probably wouldn’t have been familiar with the whole Tumblr culture.

Today the two versions of Noisy Cats exist together just fine, I feel, and since I’m the one doing them, that’s all that matters. I like the clean WordPress version and the categories and easy commenting that it allows. I also like reblogging cool, fun, and interesting things that my Tumblr friends post mixed in with my own longer entries that are less common on Tumblr. Lately though, I’ve been doing more reblogging and less writing of my own and that’s the easy way out (for me, and what I’ve been trying to do content-wise anyway).

So National Blog Posting Month, here I am. We’ll see if by month’s end November spawned a monster or if it forces me to try harder and write entries that are worth reading every day. Be patient, guys, ok?

* My daughter looked over my shoulder while I was watching the video and said, “Is that guy a belly dancer or something?” I haven’t laughed that hard in days.