
Vote, Baby Vote

Deee-lite – Vote, Baby Vote

Yesterday we got a text from my son, who is off at college, wondering if there was a plan to get him home to vote today. Um, no? I had meant to remind both kids to send in for absentee ballots but I kept not remembering and then it was too late. My son registered in school last spring and turned 18 over the summer so this was going to be his first election.

I am always hammering home the importance of voting, in every election, so I didn’t feel like I could say, it’s just the municipal election. There should be no “just” when it comes to voting. And your first time voting is important, plus it’s like a practice run before next year’s critical don’t-even-want-to-think-about-it election. That’s why I drove 45 minutes out of the way after work to pick him up and bring him home for the night. We made the polls our first stop then came home. As a bonus I made his favorite dinner and he can sleep in his own bed.

I am happy to report that our candidates won. It’s nice to have that satisfaction for your first voting experience. Let’s hope there are more days like this in the future!