
Politicians in My Eyes

Death – Politicians in My Eyes

My dad called on Sunday to catch up and generally share his relief that Biden had won. We both said how great it will be to have scientists back in various government agencies, how nice it is to have people who respect experts and experience, who won’t foment violence amongst white supremacists, etc. It’s such a low bar at this point that just having people who speak coherently seems like a dream.

Where I parted from my dad’s assessment was his hope, or maybe even expectation, that Mitch McConnell would see that he needs to work with Biden to get things done. What possible motivation would he have for doing that, I said. He just won reelection so he’s safe for six whole years and, given his age and blue hands, he’s unlikely to run again. His entire reason for living is to obstruct anything the Democrats try to do. Dad figured that now that McConnell had gotten (stolen) his SCOTUS seats and passed tax cuts for the wealthy, he didn’t need to keep stonewalling. Pshaw, I said, the man is the single worst politician in Washington and he will stop at nothing to poison the well.

So today I read that old Turtleface is backing the lame duck’s attempts to find fraud with the results and generally stall and sow chaos. Because of course he is. He’s Moscow Mitch. I really believe he’s just as dirty with Russian money as Trump is and, quite simply, a traitor. He has no charm or knack for inspiring a following so he has decided that his current seat is the most powerful to which he can ascend and he’s going to wield it ruthlessly. I have already made donations to the two Democrats in the Georgia Senate runoff elections but I’m not holding my breath for those.

Freakin’ Out

Death – Freakin’ Out

One of the things I think of when I hear this song is how much Bobby Hackney’s sons would have been freaking out the first time they heard it. Can you imagine being a college-aged kid and suddenly finding out your father and uncles had played in a punk band in the early 70s? That the men in your family that you knew had a reggae band in their free time had once been rocking out this hard? I’m telling you, my mind would be blown.

I finally got a chance to watch the documentary A Band Called Death last week. I highly recommend checking it out, it’s a pretty amazing story. Here’s my review of it. And if you happen to be in the greater NYC area, Death are playing at the Afropunk festival in Brooklyn this weekend.