
Day for Night

Slowness – Day for Night

Sometimes the internet is a beautiful thing. I live in a small town in New England but by following my interests, I’ve “met” people from all over. Recently I posted a #tbt of a concert ticket on Instagram and two people I follow there, that I’ve never met in real life, had been at the same show. 26 years ago!

I don’t have a big footprint on the internet but when you find people who enrich your life, even in the smallest way, by reblogging an image of a classic film that made me smile, or posting a link to an article I found interesting, it helps me feel like I’m not confined to this small town.

I have found people who are on my wavelength. When you come across something cool that you want to share and you hop on Twitter or Tumblr and discover one of the people you follow already beat you to posting that new Savages video, I actually love that. I hit the retweet or reblog button like it’s a high-five button. Yeah, I was just going to say that!

I’ve also learned a lot from these friends in the computer (or the smartphone, as the case may be). They come from different walks of life and different countries, and by showing me what they’re interested in, my own views expand. I encounter new things all the time because of these connections.

I found this song, and this band, because of one of these people. I really like it. Kind of shoegazey and right up my alley. Plus, you know me, you can’t go wrong with a bicycle.

So thanks, friends, for putting yourselves out there.