Roxy Music

Same Old Scene

Roxy Music – Same Old Scene

Much like the rest of 2020, this month has defied any sense of normal time for me. The election was this month? The interminable wait for the results of the election was this month? My daughter’s only been home for just over a week? NaBloPoMo is often a struggle to get through because it’s day after day of the same thing, at least the way I do it. But in this pandemic life in the dwindling days of the Cheeto administration, hasn’t every day been like that for months now? I can’t tell the days apart at all anymore. If I didn’t have a calendar on my phone, I’d be lost.

Thanks for following along these past 30 days of Marchtober. Here’s hoping next year’s NaBloPoMo is more like Novembers of year’s past.

Editions of You

Roxy Music – Editions of You

I love this video. What a piece of gold. Bryan Ferry doing his one-armed piano playing/dancing. Brian Eno in his feathered finery, for that alone this is well worth watching. I can’t remember which of my siblings was the first to bring home Roxy Music, it just seemed to always be there. I don’t think I knew they looked like that though.

In case you missed it, this blog began on tumblr, where I’m still posting, but a number of my friends feel out of place there so I decided to have a WordPress edition too. If you are on tumblr, I also reblog stuff I find interesting there but I don’t carry it over here as the formatting gets screwy. Thanks for reading, watching, and listening in either case!