Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever

The Second of the First

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever – The Second of the First

This was one of those days where I really didn’t do anything, yet it still wasn’t relaxing. I am half way through attempting a recipe I found online for these honey apple challah tarts that looked really great in the picture but now I’m worried mine will look nothing like that. I am also worried the flour and yeast were a little old so they may not rise properly. We’ll find out tomorrow as it’s supposed sit overnight in the fridge.

But that was the sum total of my productivity today and I will probably regret that in the morning when I have to cram in all of the things I could have gotten out of the way if I’d just been motivated enough to leave the house.

I suppose it also wasn’t relaxing because I kept thinking about running errands or doing laundry but then feeling like I just couldn’t be bothered. My husband suggested we get “his” car an oil change before Thanksgiving since it hasn’t had one in a year? Maybe more? I have been taking the cars to one of those drive-in places where you don’t even have to leave the car while they change the oil, but still, that would have meant going out. Having to resume my commute has made me really sluggish on the weekends. It’s like every weekend day is a No Bones Day. I just want to flop back into bed like Noodles the 13-year-old pug.

However, I am taking next week off from work so maybe I can find some way to reset my clock and feel less worn out. Wish me luck.

Talking Straight

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever – Talking Straight

I was listening to a story about Brexit on the radio in the car this evening. Two of the three people pronounced it Bregg-zit. The other person said Brecks-it, like I do. It was so distracting that I just kept repeating Brecks-it, Bregg-zit, Brecks-it, Bregg-zit, and now I don’t remember anything else they said.